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Re: [sap-acct] sap fico f110 proposal run

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Posted by Vidhyadhar (User-friendly Consultant)
on Apr 2 at 4:03 AM
Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful
Hi Meena

Did you activate the proposal run log and check it? May be it can give a
detailed clue for non execution of the proposal.

Are you sure that your configuration is complete?

If your APP run involves more than one company code, then are you sure that
all of them belong to one country?

Are you sure that you have furnished the next payment run date?

A feedback in this regard could help in understanding what actually went



On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 1:09 PM, meena pothukuchi via sap-acct <
sap-acct@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:

> Posted by meena pothukuchi
> on Apr 2 at 3:39 AM
> hello!
> Thanks for your immediate response. after giving posting date, doc entered
> upto, vendor no co code, payment mtd in parameters and other stages like chq
> print medium, when i run the proposal, it is throwing an error message
> "Proposal could not be carried out".
> kindly help.
> friendly,
> meena.
> From: Paul Bastone via sap-acct <sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
> To: meena pothukuchi <meenapannala@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Fri, April 2, 2010 12:35:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [sap-acct] sap fico f110 proposal run
> Posted by Paul Bastone (Senior FI consultant)
> on Apr 2 at 3:05 AM Mark as helpful
> Hello, What is the exact error message you are getting?
> From: meena pothukuchi via sap-acct <sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
> To: Paul Bastone <paulbastone@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Fri, 2 April, 2010 8:48:52
> Subject: [sap-acct] sap fico f110 proposal run
> Posted by meena pothukuchi
> on Apr 2 at 2:50 AM
> when I am carrying out proposal run after giving parameters of co code,
> vendor and pymnt mthd, I am getting message that proposal could not be
> carried out.
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