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Re: [sap-log-mm] how to delete physical inventory doc which is counted,not posted,but material period is closed

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Posted by Yogesh Sonar
on Apr 2 at 4:15 AM
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On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 04:19:55 +0530 wrote

you can cancel the PID for t code MI02

Posted by 11233 (Dy.Chief manager)
> on Apr 1 at 2:21 PM

hi all

>i had created a physical inventory doc and counted stock(mi01&mio4),but before i could post the difference the material period closed.i cant post the difference now,neither can i change the count nor change the date of count.When i try to create another doc,error msg says previous doc active and counted.I cannot delete the doc either.what do i do now.

>Can i do a recount in current period,if so what is the tcode?

>Pl help.

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