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Re: [sap-security] Error while creating user master from SU01

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Posted by Alex Ayers (Director of Operations)
on Apr 2 at 3:52 AM
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You say you have not been able to rectify, please list what you have tried
to do to solve this already so we can narrow down the options.

Have you had a look through the SAP Help to see if there is anything


On 2 April 2010 07:13, reji-mathew via sap-security <
sap-security@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:

> Posted by reji-mathew (IT Manager)
> on Apr 2 at 2:15 AM
> in all the tcodes Su01,Su1,Su01d i am getting an error "Inconsistancy with
> address" and than shows an error "Address doesn't exist 8322". I am not able
> to rectify. Please do the needful. Thanks & Regards Reji Mathew
> ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Tnatale Sent: Friday,
> March 26, 2010 1:48 PM Subject: Error while creating user master from SU01 >
> You can try checking the address fields with > > RSADRCK1 > > > If you are
> using CUA the one address may be missing from either target > or central
> client.
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Alex Ayers
SAP Security Helper

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