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Re: [sap-log-mm] GR without PO

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Posted by shrotriyarahul
on Oct 1 at 9:28 AM
Please try to activate new material code with MM01 and maintain M.A.V @
50. and then try to transfer material to material.
hope this will

thanks & regards
rahul shrotriya

---------------Original Message---------------
From: eddie lee
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 5:42 AM
Subject: GR without PO

Dear All:
Our client has a requirement , he want to increase inventory with specific value.
for example, material moving average price = 100 , now he want to add 1 inventory
with value 50 . But he doesn't want to create PO. (even thought he can , I don't know how to assign vendor because there is none )
I've tried to use MIGO with movement type 561 & 501 , but I found none of them
can solve this issue. Because 561 is for initial entry and 501 can't assign user value.
Really need your help here , thanks a lot.

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