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RE:[sap-basis] When I launch EWA it doesn't appear at Refresh session

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Posted by mavillarreal (Information Technologies Engineer)
on Jul 1 at 7:10 PM
Thank you Robin, I'll check all Notes and all things you mention. I'll keep you updated about the case, I haven't solved yet. Have a nice weekend!


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Mario Villarreal
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 1:08 PM
Subject: When I launch EWA it doesn't appear at Refresh session

I have checked sdccn, smsy, sdcc_oss, rfc destinations, licenses, trusted connections. But when I launch an EWA Service Alert from Solman to a Satellite and i refresh session in the satellite system, it never appears ... what else can I do? Thanks a lot

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