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Re: [sap-acct] F110 error: FZ 659 No Amount Has Been Scheduled for Currency GBP

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Posted by arnab16-10_1982 (SAP Consultant)
on Oct 18 at 3:48 AM

Let me know what is the nature of the payment whether Incoming or
Outgoing, and while doing FBZP config setting have you filled minimum amount
field(s) against the currency GBP (if single currency is
operated)? Otherwise exchange rate fluctuation will have to be considered.

Arnab Chakraborty
SAP FI/CO Consultant

---------------Original Message---------------
From: miyanita
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 5:39 PM
Subject: F110 error: FZ 659 No Amount Has Been Scheduled for Currency GBP

Hi SAP Guru,

I have configured a new payment method "Z" and now trying to get it all going in F110. However when generating a proposal, the Proposal Log in F110 shows:

Message 659 - > No amount has been scheduled for currency GBP & and at least & days' life hence resulted in error.

I have maintained the amount in FBZP for the new payment method so I am not really sure which configuration item causes this behavior. Please advise.

Kind Regards,

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