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Reply from cliffc on Jan 23 at 10:18 AM Hi Adrian, The absence workflow should take the information from the absence request, you can check the absence request is populated correctly using transaction PTARQ. I would expect the workflow to use function module PT_ARQ_REQUEST_EXECUTE if you're running the standard process, and so would not expect you to get this issue, this takes the request information from ptreq_header/ptreq_items to populate the IT2001 records/update IT2006 values. You might want to get your workflow/programmer to remote de-bug this issue, also assume you've already checked SAP notes etc. Cliff.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: adrian.vj Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:28 PM Subject: MSS Absence Approval We have an issue on our portal where the endda disappears at the approval/review stage if the absence requested is more than one day, so if we request 5 days the portal only writes/post one day to the back end, any idea's/suggestion would be most welcome Thanks in advance Adrian | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |