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[sap-hr] Writing a PCR in Time Management with Conditions

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Posted by nagsaphcm
on Oct 8 at 11:25 AM
Dear all,

I have a situation in time management.

1. Privileged Leaves (PL) – Absence Type – Max Limit 30 days
2. Deferred Leaves (DL) - Absence Type
3. Carry Forwarded Leaves (CFL) - Absence Type – Max limit is 90 days

2. PL Generation Conditions:

1. PL total entitlement is maximum 30 days per year i.e. 01-April-2010 to next year 31.03.2011
2. These need to be generated on prorate basis for every month 2.5 days
3. If employee joins on or before 15th of the month then for that month 2.5 leaves need to be generated
4. PL Carry forwarding & Encashment: These PLs are further divided in to TWO categories.

At the year end

1. If PL Balance is more than 15 days, 15 PL's should go to Carry Forwarded Leaves (CFL) and remaining should go to Deferred Leaves (DL).
2. If PL balance is less than or equal to 15 days, then they should go to Carry Forwarded Leaves (CFL)
3. Carry Forwarded Leaves (CFL) has a maximum limit of 90 days after which the excess leaves should get en cashed automatically at the start of the new year i.e. in month of April, 20**
4. Deferred leaves have a validity limit of 3 months from the following year. (April, ** – June, **) after which leaves should get lapse.

4. Leave deduction Priorities

1. Deferred Leaves (DL) - Absence Type
2. Privileged Leaves (PL) – Absence Type
3. Carry Forwarded Leaves (CFL) - Absence Type

5. Excess PLs need to be encashed using 0416 infotype with retro date maintained in March 31, so that will trigger a retro payment for the march in the month of April. (If we maintain date in April then the deduction will be done for the current year quota.

Request you to help me out in writing PCR's for Carry forwarding & Encashment.

Kind regards,
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