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Reply from letitiachiapperini on May 9 at 1:57 AM Hi Chris, What is the possibility that you can maybe send me an Excel downloaded document? Do you also still maybe have the document that you received from Madelaine that time around? Kind Regards, Letitia
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: ChrisO Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 9:51 AM Subject: Report For PR release to PO Creation With Dates And Names Wow 2008! How time flies. We'd only had our SAP system for a ashort while by then. We have a query-based report for something almost like this - Shows purchase req. creator, its request date, its release date and then the associated PO, with its creator and create date, and other parameters such as material, quantity, value, vendor, etc. However because of the tables used to set it up, it doesn't show who released the req. - we don't actually need to know that info but if we did we wouldn't be able to bring it in from within the current query structure, which is: Table EKKO linked to table EKPO via EKKO-EBELN > EKPO_EBELN Table EKPO linked to table EBAN via EKPO-EBELN > EBAN-EBELN EKPO-EBELN > EBAN-EBELN EKPO-BANFN > EBAN-BANFN EKPO-BNFPO > EBAN-BNFPO (Not within your request, but for info: we also have these tables linked to MSEG and MKPF so that we can track actual delivery dates. The query also has links to LNFA1 (vendor info) and MCH1 (batch info) so that we a fully comprehensive overview of the material supply chain). Hopethishelps ChrisO | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |