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RE:[sap-acct] Positng Date on Parked Documents

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Posted by Arnaldo (SAP FICO Consultant)
on Oct 19 at 5:50 AM
Hello Desimira,

Are you sure?

When Vidhya Dhar reminded it to me I checked for it in SAP Library: Financial Accounting - General Topics > Document > Document Entry > Parking Documents (Integration paragraph): "Substitution is not supported in document parking. Substitution takes place via the posting transaction after you generate an accounting document from the parked document."

In spite of this warning, I configured a substitution and tested it, but it did not work; the posting date remained unchanged.

Best regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Carol Stromberg
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 11:25 AM
Subject: Positng Date on Parked Documents

Users would like for the posting date for parked document to change to approval date only for specific document types.
Example - a user enters a parked document on Oct 1st - it goes through work flow for approval and is approves on Oct 6th.
Is there a way to set up the system so that the posting dates changes from 10/1 to 10/6 for the above sample - again only for specific document types.

Thanks for any help.


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