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RE: [sap-acct] Clearing Customer & Vendor with Automatic Payment Program

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Posted by Desimira
on Oct 19 at 5:48 AM
Hi Payan,

F110 clears Vendor and Customer open items automatically.

Best regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Pavan
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 12:43 AM
Subject: Clearing Customer & Vendor with Automatic Payment Program

Hi Friends,
I'm facing a problem in Clearing Vendor with Customer through Automatic Payment Program. I created payment methods for Customer (D-Incoming payment method) & Vendor (C-Outgoing Payment method) individually and I also selected "Clearing" check box in master data. I raised invoices for customer & vendor in which vendor invoice value is greater than the customer's.
I tried to clear vendor & customer using F110. It's displaying the vendor & customer invoice line items & showing the net balance amount after deducting customer's invoice amount with vendor's invoice amount. But after clicking "Reallocate" for both line items, it's not netting the amount and the check is getting printed for the actual vendor invoice amount but not for net amount.
Can anyone please suggest. I maintained the parameters of customer & vendor in F110. Everything is perfect, but I don't know why it's not getting resolved.

I even posted this issue in sdn.sap.com, but I didn't got any solution for this.


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