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Re: [sap-log-mm] SAP Query::Additional Field default value

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Posted by mairymano (Software Engineer)
on Sep 9 at 12:37 AM
Hi Dear,

It is additional field and it was populated through left outer join in code.
Where the respective value is not found, it fills the field with zeros.

Best Regards,

Humaira Aslam Chughtai
SAP MM Consultant
ICI Paints, Pakistan

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Louis Corato
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 10:54 AM
Subject: SAP Query::Additional Field default value

A couple of questions: 1) Is the field in the query itself or is it an additional field in the Infoset? 2) What are the conditions you are trying to use to populate the field?

- Lou

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