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Re: [sap-hr] Feature PFREQ Return Value Logic

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Posted by hrishikeshk (Sr. SAP HCM (HR) Consultant)
on Sep 9 at 12:28 AM
Hi Jagan,

Thanks However my Question is if I am configuring ANSAL for Weekly employees
then my PFREQ Value would be as below. And I will be removing rest Values 26,
24, 13, 12, 04,01, 02, I am right?

MOLGA Country Grouping

USA 10

Thanks & Regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: hrishikeshk
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:20 PM
Subject: Feature PFREQ Return Value Logic

Hello Gurus,

I wanted to know while configuring Annual Salary in Feature *PFREQ* What
Value should I enter for US Country Grouping (Molga 10) for Weekly Employees
and Monthly employees & how.

Example - Weekly is One Personnel Area OR Employee Group then do I need to
enter only 52 OR Line 1 as Return Value.

How should I enter *return value* and what about other return values ex-
52, 26, 24, 13, 12, 04,01, 02 Do I need to delete from standard ==>
because SAP recommends Warning ==> Do not change the number of periods in
the current operating system, since this can lead to inconsistencies within
the existing data. Errors could appear in salaries that have already been
calculated and saved.

Now my question is In Feature PFREQ under US Molga (10) I have kept all
values as it is

MOLGA Country Grouping

USA 10

Then How system will come to know which return value needs to be considered
for Annual Salary calculation.

My ABAP consultant wants to know In which table this PEREQ Value gets

Thanks & Kind Regards,

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