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RE:[sap-hr] Best process for balancing 941

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Posted by Ann Kniker
on Aug 1 at 4:20 PM
Hi Connie,

I'm not sure how your company is set up, but ours is set up with multiple payroll areas and tax companies and we have EEs who transfer between them and have wages to report on multiple forms. If your company is set up similarly, the difference could be due to using Payroll Area in the selection parameters for the PR Recon report instead of Tax Company - Tax Reporter always reports based on Tax Company.

Other differences could be due to EEs who are being excluded from/adjusted by Tax Reporter. You would be able to see the details of those EEs in the logs created during the Tax Reporter run by drilling into the Log Manager.

Or, if there are no EEs on the logs, you could also try running your PR Recon report using the appropriate FI/Tax Reporter Views selection criteria. In this case you would select the button for the Show FI - 941 Variance, select the button for Productive or Simulation Run, and add the 06/30/2011 As-of date. This would allow the PR Recon to look at the same payroll results that would've been picked up during the Tax Reporter run. (An example of a difference might be an off-cycle payment with a check date in your range, but that was created after the Tax Reporter run.)

Hope some of this info helps! Good luck balancing!

---------------Original Message---------------
From: connie_durham
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 11:01 AM
Subject: Best process for balancing 941

Hi all,
Can someone give me the steps to balance the 941 tax return?

We are running our 941 using quarter end dates for both period end and consider payroll results up to = quarter end date.
I have ran pc00_m10_rec using selection dates by quarter and tried to match up dollars from Recon to 941. For example, Line 2 on 941 should be equal to /701 and /Q01. Line 3 should be equal to '/401 on the Total deposits line 11. I am assuming these dollars are coming from the cluster from all of the /4 wage types and so the taxes and payments should match. But for our company the amounts never match. Sometimes we have an overpayment and sometimes we have a balance due. What is happening?

Thanks in advance,

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