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RE:[sap-hr] Retrocalculation in 941 report

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Posted by Ann Kniker
on Aug 1 at 4:04 PM

You should be able to determine the wages that are included on any form that you are running by looking at the Form Field Definition tab from the Tax Reporter selection screen. From there you would choose to Display Form Fields and then you can drill down into the Tax Form Field > Tax Form Group > and finally to the Wage Type that is mapped there.

Due to possible customizations, I would not feel comfortable just providing a list of wage types.

Hope this helps!

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Evalena
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 12:22 PM
Subject: Retrocalculation in 941 report


Do you know what wage types are included in SAP tax report 941? I'm asking this because on the last quarter report some employees have an standard wage type /551 Retrocalculation Difference and I really want to know if the system is using this wage type as a taxable amount.

If you please let me know all the taxable wage types that are used for the 941 quarter report and if wage type /551 is included.

Thank you so much!

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