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RE: RE:[sap-basis] When I launch EWA it doesn't appear at Refresh session

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Posted by Robin Haettich (Lead Solution Architect)
on Jul 1 at 5:57 PM
Hello Mario,

All right, thank you. I assume the basics are checked, i.e. the definitions of the systems in SMSY, the users specified for the RFCs, i.e. and e.g. SM_<SID>CLNT<CLIENT>_BACK, and the required authorizations for these users etc. Background activity SM:EXEC SERVICES is running (SAP Note 894279) etc.
The problem could be a mismatch of service definitions between managing and managed system. Please check SAP Note 1470375.

In addition, I recommend the document "Activating the SAP EarlyWatch Alert on Solution Manager 7.0 - Best Practice for Solution Management", which outlines all the steps.
Do you have this document from SAP Service Marketplace?

With best regards

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Mario Villarreal
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: When I launch EWA it doesn't appear at Refresh session

No problem Robin,
The EWA doesnt appear at all even if we activate the task Session Refresh at the Satellite SDCCN. The Solutions are created and the Sand Clock appears at the DSWP. The problem is the satellite doesnt grab the early watch session from the SOLMAN.


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Robin Haettich
SAP Basis Helper

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