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Re: [sap-basis] Difference between clients in ides ecc 6.0

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Posted by D. Caddick (SAP NetWeaver/BASIS Consultant)
on Oct 28 at 5:00 PM
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Hi Susin,

The clients already have pre-configuration and sample transaction data as
per the description given for each client.

We made a copy of client 800 to 900 and created the user IDs in 900.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: susin
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 5:17 AM
Subject: Difference between clients in ides ecc 6.0

hi ,

We have recently installed ides . i could see that clients ,

800 - IDES-ALE: Central FI Syst
810 - IDES-ALE: Sales System
811 - IDES-ALE: Production
812 - IDES-ALE: Warehouse

We are arranging training for different user modules like hr, fi , sd, logistics ...

Can I create all users in 800 . or based on the the module should i give them in different client .

for eg : can i create user in 800 for PP module . can operation of PP can be done in tat ?

what basically is the difference between these clients

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D. Caddick
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