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Re: [sap-basis] Access SAP without entering username and password

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Posted by D. Caddick (SAP NetWeaver/BASIS Consultant)
on Oct 28 at 5:06 PM
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You option is to configure SSL. You should find all the necessary
documentation in http://service.sap.com/security


---------------Original Message---------------
From: DonPooters
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Access SAP without entering username and password

Single Sign On once set up will still use a ID on SAP and a password. It will just be transparent to the user assuming of course that you are using Active Directory on your network or some equivalent security access that uses your PC logon information. Accessing SAP without a userid is not an acceptable practice as audit records use the userid, etc. and the password protects the user identity from being used someone else

Don Pooters

Copyright © 2010 Toolbox.com and message author.

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D. Caddick
SAP Basis Top Contributor

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