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Re: [sap-hr] Pre-populate the public holiday hours in CATS with A/A Type

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Posted by Manoj Gupta (Consulting Manager - Global HR/Payroll)
on May 23 at 7:19 PM

This issue can be resolved by creating another holiday class other than 1
and generate the PWS.
Now in new PWS 0 hrs will not be displayed on any holiday on the time sheet.

Thru user-exit, holiday hrs with abs type HOLP can be auto generated. talk
to your ABAP consultant.
The reason to create HOLP as abs types is to restrict time entry up to the
one day working hours. (Considering PTE as well other DWS is existing),
if anyhow is updated manually.

Configure another ATT/ABS types like HOLP (Holiday Pay) and HOLW (Holiday
Thru user-exit, create validation rules not to allow any other Att/Abs types
other than HOLP and HOLW and also these att/abs types are allowed only on
keep in mind an employee can also work 24 hours and be paid for DWS hrs in
one day. It may be more than 24 hrs in a day.
This is a very common scenario so be more careful when creating new
validation rules.

Include new PCRs to evaluate HOLP and HOLW per company payment policy.

I hope, it would help you to resolve the issue. i have implemented this
scenario globally and some of my NA clients.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sam
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 10:28 PM
Subject: Pre-populate the public holiday hours in CATS with A/A Type

We had the same requirement. So, we created a program to load an
absence on holidays with their planned hours. We did not load the
absence if they were not scheduled to work. However, we ran into an
issue when employees changed work schedules. When they went from
scheduled to work to not scheduled to work, the absence violated the
rule that does not not allow absences on days with zero scheduled hours.
I think we then had a problem trying to remove the absence (this was
over 6 years ago). The reverse is also true. An employee's schedule
changes so that they are now planned to work on the holiday but the
program hasn't run to load it. Depending on how often or far ahead you
run the load program, it could now be missing.

We do not load anything automatically. Since we are exception based,
only employees that work on a holiday have to record an attendance so
they get proper Holiday pay treatment.


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Manoj Gupta
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