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[sap-basis] Recommended Way To Reduce The Size Of The Soffcont1 Table

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Question from Andy Murzyn on Apr 21 at 10:58 AM
My Soffcont1 table is easily my largest table at over 100GB. This is an ECC 6.0 NW 7.31 EHP6 system with a SQL database. This table has never been monitored and has grown considerably. I would like to reduce it to a manageable level. I understand it contains SAP Office messages. I have viewed a number of notes and believe this to be if not the best course of action, surely a start to getting it under control:

1. Run report RSBCS_REORG   
    Check Reorganize documents with send requests
    Check Reorganize documents that do not have send requests
    Select Radio button Specify Age
    Created By: Probably start with terminated users.
    Check Detailed Output
    Uncheck Test Mode
    Run as background Job immediate
2. After completion:
     select users  (Same terminated users)
     Select the checkbox for the following:
    Inbox All
     Private folders
    Private trash
    Minimum Age (days) 30
    Uncheck Test Mode
    Leave remaining fields blank
    Run Daily as a background Job

Once terminated user Inboxes have been cleared, perform the same on active users.

3. Run report RSBCS_REORG
    Check Reorganize documents with send requests
     Check Reorganize documents that do not have send requests
   Select Radio button Specify Age - Maybe 90
     Created By : *
    Select check box Detailed Output
     Deselect checkbox Test Mode
    keep other fields blank
     Run as background Job
     Period: Daily Job
4. Create variant and schedule daily job for report RSSOTRCL
    Retention period-30 days,
   Timing - Off business hours
    Frequency - Daily

My concern is that will somehow impact messages users have attached to delivery orders. If I run these as shown, this will just clear out the documents related to SAP Office, correct?

I greatly appreciate the time taken to read this and respond. I'm sure this is a simple process but reading the notes, and trying to determine the best process based on a myriad of reports all seemingly designed to do the same thing is very confusing, at least to me.

Thank you very much,
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Andy Murzyn  

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