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Question from Vamsi_FICO on Apr 21 at 6:51 PM Hi all I am using adobe form to print US 1099 MISC forms as PDFs using the report S_P00_07000134 (RFIDYYWT). Everything looks good except that format of the dollar amounts, especially the comma(,) the dot (.). The amounts appear, for example, as '1.500,78' instead of std US format '1,500.78'. How can we change this? I already checked the decimal notation in the user parameters setting. It is set to 1,234,567.89. So the issue has nothing to do with it. Infact, in all the other transactional and report screens the amounts are being displayed in correct US format. The issue is just in the I099-MISC pdf forms. It looks like in the adobe form IDWTCERT_US_MISC, the default decimal notation is set to that of Germany. Is there a way to control it without having to change the form? Thanks in advance. Regards Vamsi | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |