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Re: [sap-log-mm] If New Company Code Needed for Merged Company

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Reply from kumar_gvk on Nov 26 at 12:21 PM
Hello Sara,

If your company is merged with the company belongs to same industry, and
the business process is also same, then you can upgrade the exiting SAP
system by using Upgradation project. If it is of different industry, you
can go through the same company code, by doing some changes.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sara1xyz
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 10:04 AM
Subject: If New Company Code Needed for Merged Company

Hi SAP Experts,

One of our company which has company code in SAP (XX01) will be merged to a new company A we bought. So our company will be gone and new company A after merged with our company will be implemented in SAP. Is it possible that we still re-use old company code XX01?

Any help appreciated!


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