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RE:[sap-log-mm] Report that Shows Field Changes Within a Table

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Reply from LCC352 on Jan 17 at 9:54 AM
Hi, Ian - yes, you can make a configuration change to the table and run it up through your landscape. Tick the checkmark, and from the time the change hits production forward, you will start tracking changes. Unfortunately, you cannot go backwards in time and "fill in" the changes to date. SAP won't know what they are.

If you want to see individual changes, there is probably going to now be a menu choice during the change/display of the master data to do that. If you need to see changes in mass, there could be a menu choice for that, or, you can always have an ABAP programmer write a custom report to find all the changes for a field, a given period, etc.

- Lou

---------------Original Message---------------
From: ian inkson
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 10:43 AM
Subject: Report that Shows Field Changes Within a Table

Hi all
Is there a report that shows field changes within a table, i.e field vomem in table MLGN?
Regards ian

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