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RE: RE:[sap-dev] Update Master Data of CLASSIFICATION (ct02)

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Reply from horacio zapettini on Aug 22 at 1:32 PM
Kakoll Das,

Neal has lead you to a bapi and discouraged you to use BDC. So asking him towards that tool won't take you to the place you want to.

On the other hand, (and we're on the other side of the gameboard...:) , in my company we still have a lot of BDC programs working on ecc 6, with good performance and that have not changed that much since 4.6c and even older versions. Of course, I think Neal's right and the best way is BAPI... but we won't change a lot of code that is working unless we need to do that... :)

If you want to go on with the bdc idea, I'd strongly suggest you to run that bdc in step-by-step mode with a couple of records. I'm sure you have something in the bdc that is breaking the screen processing and thus the program stops before you expect.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: kakolidas
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:06 PM
Subject: Update Master Data of CLASSIFICATION (ct02)

Hi Neal,
Thanks for your advice,
My recording is on t-code ct02(classification view).
when i processed the session its update only single data...
in case of multiple data its failed to proceed...don't know why..

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horacio zapettini  

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