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RE: [sap-log-mm] VL31N - Goods Receipt Posting Within Creation Process of Inbound Delivery

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Posted by satishvp123
on Oct 1 at 9:26 AM
Can you really do a GR is VL31N?

I think you need to save the inbound delivery, and post GR in VL32N.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Andreas Schwarz
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:47 AM
Subject: VL31N - Goods Receipt Posting Within Creation Process of Inbound Delivery


We would like to post the Goods Receipt directly/already within VL31N, that means already during creation process of Inbound Delivery. We don't want to save ans re-enter the transaction again.
But our problem now is that the button "Post Goods Receipt" is grey and we would like to have it activated.
We have already assigned transaction code VL31N to movement type 101 - without any effect.

How to do that?

Thanks and regards.

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