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Re: [sap-acct] FI Document Numbering for New Company Code

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Posted by VidhyaDhar (User-friendly SAP FI Consultant)
on Oct 5 at 11:34 AM
Hi Akilesh,

Am not clear about your point of view. Maybe I am not understanding it

Probably the query to which you gave an answer was different from the one
required by karkkonstant. The initial thread was relating to missing /
skipping document numbers arising during document posting. Am not sure if it
pertained to a G L posting through F-02. Did I miss / fail to see part
of the thread? I wonder!

However, even with regard to a G L posting (be it using FB50 or F-02),
I was under the impression that the document numbering is dependent on
the number range assigned to the document type used during document posting
(while the default document type is SA, you could as well tweak the editing
option to make use of a different document type). I suppose you have the
option of assigning an internal or external number range to such document
type so that either the system or the user may assign document numbers to GL
Transaction postings. Maybe you could try this out and please do let me


Were you referring to creation of General Ledger Master Records and
assigning numbers to such master records? If so, then you are absolutely
right and the assignment of General Ledger Master Records is always, as you
might have meant, external and assigned by the user.

Please feel free to correct me in case I have either understood your point
incorrectly or my understanding of the SAP concept is incorrect. I am
willing to unlearn my misconception and learn the right thing anew.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Akhilesh kumar
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 8:32 AM
Subject: FI Document Numbering for New Company Code

Dear VidhyaDhar,

My answer was on the first two letters... ..i.e. "NO".
And the query is regarding the g/l posting through f-02. So for gl document
type we can not make an external document number range. Any information will
more than this is welcome.

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