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RE:[sap-acct] New fiscal year variant

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Posted by euge_gabriel
on Aug 8 at 10:35 PM
Hi Roy,

Thank you for your idea, it helps a lot and is greatly appreciated.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: euge gabriel
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 2:40 AM
Subject: New fiscal year variant


Our existing company is composed of many company codes and all are using one fiscal year variant(starts from July 1 ends in June 30), now another company will be created under the same controlling area. This newly created company is using calendar year. We are trying to make another fiscal year variant but can't proceed to assign the company to controlling area, an error occur says that old fiscal year variant, controlling area, does not agree with the newly created fiscal year variant.

If you have any idea regarding this matter, I would highly appreciate it.



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