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Re: [sap-acct] GI104:Activity is not supported

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Posted by HelpFicoERP
on Aug 4 at 10:06 AM
Hi sappokala,

What is the origin of the document you are trying to Reverse . SA document ideally is normally used for normal Journal entries so you should be able to reverse using FB08

FYI if the origin of the document is from SD I think it has to reversed / cancelled from SD itself
If it's a payment document you have to use FBRA

- HelpFicoErp

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sushanth pokala
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 6:33 AM
Subject: GI104:Activity is not supported


While I am reversing SA document through FB08 I am getting error as below.

Activity is not supported
Message no. GI104

An undefined activity has been transferred in a document to direct posting.

This might be a program error of the original application.

Please check which activity the transaction has to set and if it is defined in the activity table T022

I have been checked as many areas but not found any solution. and in my case some of the document is coming error like this and not for all the documents.

What could be the reason for this error?

Thanks & Regards,

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