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Re: [sap-acct] Assets Write-Ups ABZU

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Posted by srivallik (Sap FIco consultant)
on Aug 8 at 11:15 PM
Hi Rajesh,

ABZU is used for making adjustment entries at the year end postings, Try to
post the unplanned depreciation at ABSO with 640 Ty type to make an
adjustment in the current period posting.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Rajesh
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 7:58 PM
Subject: Assets Write-Ups ABZU

Hi All,

I want to post assets write up with $ 5000 and want this to affect the NBV. What is happening is that some of the amount get caught into ordinary depreciation so ultimate impact is just $ 4000.00.

This way my depreciation for the year is increased and my NBV is falling short by $ 1000.00.

I tried using different Dep key but they make things more complex due to recalculation.

Please suggest how to avoid assets write posted from getting depreciated in that year or month?

Best Regards


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