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RE:[sap-acct] Vlooking up SAP download in Excel

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Posted by RTUCCELL (SAP Expert FI/CO/MM - Helpdesk / Trainer)
on Jun 21 at 3:55 AM

Regarding Excel export in spreadsheet format (not direct export) is fundamental in order to avoid problems, to follow the following simple rules:
1) export report in spreadsheet format (to avoid confusion don't use extension .xls I usually use .slk)
2) Open Excel, select the menu File-Open and follows the steps for the import selecting correct attributes for each comumn

If you save the file as .xls and make double click on it, Excel is opened automatically and the import is managed directly by it. The result is the loosing of leading zeros on codes columns and the wrong import of some dates (not all).

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Arunrnair
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 2:50 PM
Subject: Vlooking up SAP download in Excel


You can download the data by using option of "Export to spreadsheet" wherein you will get the date as it is in SAP which includes prefix zeros.


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