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Re: [sap-log-mm] Posting to GL account

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Posted by SAPMM1976
on Jun 21 at 4:13 AM
G/L determination is based on the valuation area. Please check if the
valuation area is active or not.

SPRO-IMG-automatic account determination - activate valuation area.

Also check if the business area is attached to your valuation area(Plant)

---------------Original Message---------------
From: CarltonB
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 11:29 AM
Subject: Posting to GL account

I trying to autopost billing data to GL accounts, but the accounting documents are not being created. The following error "Business Area does not correspond to company code". There is only one business area and the material being posted is assigned to the this business area. Any idea how to check the business area for the GL accounts?

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