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RE:[sap-acct] F.13 - automatic clearing consignment documents

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Posted by srinathkodanda
on Feb 5 at 9:46 AM
I have configured Automatic clearing using following transaction code.
Transaction code OB74Menupath: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide?Financial Accounting?General Ledger Accounting?Business Transactions?Open Item Clearing?Prepare Automatic Clearing You can select the criterion on ZUONR, GSBER, VBUND like that... If your both Debit and Credit entries mathes based on Assignment field (ZUONR) you can automatic clearing F.13 Hope this information could be of some use.
Best wishes.


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---------------Original Message---------------
From: Meli_C
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 11:12 AM
Subject: F.13 - automatic clearing consignment documents

Dear SAP Guru's,

I have the following issue:
I am trying to clear some consignment documents through F.13.
Because there are some differences, I have to customize F.13 in order to post those differences to a given account.

Can anybody help me in this issue.

Thank you,

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