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Re: [sap-acct] Make G/L to which transactions were already posted open item managed

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Posted by srinathkodanda
on Feb 5 at 9:46 AM
Supplementing to replies below. I would suggest to run following programs before taking up Open items management task. Run in SE38 program SAPF190 ( Transaction code F.03) incase 4.6 version Run in SE38 program TFC_COMPARE_VZ in case ECC6 version. This will show whether you can do the open item management or not. This will pop up error messages in case any trouble in doing open item management. Hope this information could be of some use.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: LinhDT
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 8:34 AM
Subject: Make G/L to which transactions were already posted open item managed

Some of our GL codes are opened without OPEN item managed and there are some transactions posted already. Now we want to make it OPEN item manged.

However as our process is per below:
We need to move the balances to a dummy a/c then, block the GL code. After that we run one program, this program needs to be copied make the message as warning. Then, we change the setting in FS00 and finish by moving back the transactions.

It is not simple as just check the checkbox open item managed in FS00.

Please advise how can do this.

Thank you very much.

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