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RE:[sap-acct] Liquidity Planner - assigning liquidty item to expense/revenue account in invoice

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Posted by petergatt
on Aug 1 at 7:28 AM
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Hi Mario

Thank you this was very helpful. I have two further queries. 1. Are the reconciliation accounts to be ticked for further processing? and 2. in the reporting you can tick to show opening balances but nothing seems to change if this is selected or not?

Thanks once again.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sedax
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 8:25 AM
Subject: Liquidity Planner - assigning liquidty item to expense/revenue account in invoice

> Hello,
> I am implementing Liquidty Planner now, i figured out how to assign liquidty items to paying documents but i need to assign special liquidty items according to expense and revenue accounts in invoice. Basically, i need to go one step backward in the documet chain, from paying document to invoice. I heard that i have to do it with "assignment from invoice" section but definetally i am missing something so it does not working.
> Thanks in advance for your help

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