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Re: [sap-acct] Adding a markup to standard cost calculation

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Posted by Ramgopal Akondi
on Aug 5 at 12:28 AM
Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful
In SO costing costing variant would fetch the costing from Product cost by
Sales order component (via requirement class) and in CK11n in its fetching
from Product Cost collector (Product cost by period). Please check the
valuation variants in both the costing variants (the valuation price

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:59 AM, Tehseen Akbar via sap-acct <
sap-acct@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:
> Posted by Tehseen Akbar
> on Aug 4 at 5:21 PM
> Hi,
> I have noticed few things to understand.
> 1. When i run CK11N, the new indicator of costing relevancy doesn't work,
> it only works for indicator X, no matter what indicator has been mentioned
> in the BOM
> 2. When i make a sales order or quotation and run cost from the conditions
> TAB, only then the indicator mentioned in BOM takes effect in cost
> calculation
> 3. The strange difference between both the steps 1 and 2 is that while
> doing CK11N, the we always select costing varaint ZB01 that was configured
> for us.
> 4. While doing cost run from sales order or quotation , there another
> costing variant PPC4 for sales order and ZPPC for quotation. Here it doesn't
> display ZB01.
> 5. Similarly while doing CK11N, it doesn't show PPC4 for selection.
> 6. What i have noticed that the costing variants ZB01 and PPC4, both are
> configured by diffenent options
> 7. ZB01 is configured under the heading Product cost controlling>Product
> cost planning>Material cost estimate with qty structure>Define costing
> variant
> 8. PPC4 is configured under the heading Product cost controlling>Cost
> object controlling>Product cost by sales order>Preliminary costing and order
> BOM costing>Product costing for sales order items/order BOMs>Costing
> variants for product costing>Check Costing variants for product costing.
> 9. I do not understand that why 2 different types of costing variants are
> used to calculate standard cost
> 10. If i get the option to select the varaint ZB01 in Sales order, then my
> problem is solved.
> Please advise.
> Regards
> From: sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
> To: tehseenakbar@hotmail.com
> Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 09:05:56 -0400
> Subject: RE:[sap-acct] Adding a markup to standard cost calculation
> Posted by CO-PC (Controller)
> on Aug 4 at 9:07 AM
> Mark as helpful
> I did my tests before suggesting the 110 % indicator and it works for
> CK11N.
> Have you defined both the indicator (step 1 tcode OKK9) and its associated
> price factor (step 2 tcode OKK7)?
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