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Re: [sap-dev] Sales order create - Commit work delay

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Posted by R. Neal Wilhite(Senior Project Manager)
on 07/06/2009 09:43:00 AM

You might show us a snippet of your code, but I don't expect that to
change anything. The commit time is going to be dependent on the
hardware architecture and the load of your system. But give us a look
and maybe we can help some.
mike polglase via sap-dev wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have an issue wehere we use the bapi
> BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDATA' and the the bapi_transaction_commit,
> but we finf it can take up to 10 seconds before the vbeln is available
> for futher processing.
> We have a background process where we need to create the order then
> immediatle change it in order to include copa characteristics.
> Does anyone know a way to facilitate a quicker commit?
> thanks in advance.

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