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RE: [sap-dev] Leading Zeros from Alphanumerical Material

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Reply from davidtrosen on Jun 21 at 4:25 PM
1. If you want to STORE the number at the DATABASE level WITHOUT leading zeros (i.e. if its fully numeric) see transaction OOSL
2. If you want to report/extract etc without leading values - see the DOMAIN conversion routine (i.e. the input / output function modules)
3. If you have some problem where it's not accepting when you enter 123 or 0000123 .. then you have a screwy number range setup

---------------Original Message---------------
From: ameen sha
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:30 PM
Subject: Leading Zeros from Alphanumerical Material

Hi David,

There are conversion routines provided by SAP for them. If you are
facing the problem in the table maintenance then use the conversion routine
at Domain level and if the problem exist in a report then use Function
Module Exits for the conversions.

*Conversion Routine* : MATN1
*Function Modules* : CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT : to Add zeros


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