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RE:[sap-dev] How can I find out what cost element group or groups one cost element belongs to??

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Posted by LCC352 (Sr. Mgr, ERP/Financial Systems)
on Aug 23 at 11:24 AM
You can easily find out where a cost center GROUP is used - there's a menu choice for it on the display of the group. The method Kevin proposes will unfortunately not work unless the element you want is the low or high value in the group, or if you're looking for a range. It will not find something in the middle of a range.

There is a function module in SAP, "K_GROUP_REMOTE_READ". Using the setclass 0102 and values from the SETNODE table, a program could be written to figure out whether a cost element is being used in the various groups. You will need an ABAP programmer to do this, however.

- Lou

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Christie
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 12:50 PM
Subject: How can I find out what cost element group or groups one cost element belongs to??

I want to know all the cost element groups a cost element belongs to, how can I do that with out searching every single group to find the one cost element I am looking for.


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