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RE: RE:[sap-dev] Connecting SAP R/3 to Access using ODBC

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Posted by Robin Haettich (Lead Solution Architect)
on Aug 23 at 11:40 AM
Hello Roger,
Don't get me wrong, I have been working in an SAP context for the last couple of years and I think I know sufficiently well what an SAPGUI is J. I was merely asking a short clarification from Michael, as the requirement was not clear to me. That's all.
MS Access is generally not used as a productive server-side(!) database, imho. Maybe that led me off-track? And we all know what an SAP system database is and how SAP Netweaver (or application server ABAP for that matter) manages the SAP system database through its interface.
With best regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Michael Fuentes
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 11:25 AM
Subject: Connecting SAP R/3 to Access using ODBC

Okay now that's what I was wondering. Now that I have more of an understanding of how SAP gathers its information, I can talk to our SAP people and have them give me access to these files. Is it really that easy? Also, would everyone need to have access to these files in order for the database to work?

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