SAP Workload: Task Type Name
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SAP Workload Analysis: Task Type Name
The SAP System includes several task types differentiated by the tasks assigned to the corresponding application process. The task type is used as an identifying part of the statistics record.
The task types are:
AUTOABAP: Automatically processed reports such as used for certain monitoring tools.
BATCH INPUT: Transaction step in batch input session. This transaction step is processed in the dialog work process. Update dialogs triggered during batch input sessions are processed in parallel (fall under the category task type = "UPDATE").
BACKGROUND: Transaction step processed by a background work process.
BUFFER SYNC is a synchronization of the local table buffers triggered by the SAP System. This transaction step is executed regularly at short intervals. This interval is set by the profile parameter "rdisp/bufreftime".
DIALOG is an online transaction step usually initiated by the user on a screen, such as editor dialogs, manual postings, and so on.
RFC: Remote Function Calls in the R/3 System are processed by the dialog work process.
CPIC: Other communication through the CPIC interface (in the dialog work process).
SPOOL: Transaction step processed by spool work process
UPDATE is a transaction step processed by the SAP update process. Updates are automatically triggered by the dispatcher process on servers with active update processes. Update processes are normally installed on the database server.
ALE: IDOC processing in a dialog work process.
Keyword: BASIS
Title : SAP Workload: Task Type Name