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RE:[sap-log-mm] MIGO Canacellation

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Reply from tomevans866 on May 8 at 10:03 AM
I found a reference to SAP Note: 364923. Excerpt below.
In trying to convert MG to KG, numerator=1 and denominator=1,000,000. Interesting that the initial Goods Issue worked, but the reversal fails.
Are there also units for weight or volume that are being converted? Because you are bringing the goods back into WM, that may be where the error occurs. A trace may help you pinpoint the exact error spot, which would help determine a solution.

You may have to use multiple manual transactions to work around the issue, (physical inventory adjustment, journal entry for costing correction).


Excerpt from SAP Note 364923:
Reason and Prerequisites
When you enter sales orders and enter materials, the system converts the quantity from the sales unit into the base unit of measure. Such a conversion is also made for weights that are maintained in the material master for a unit of measure. The system generates the error message BM037 in the sales order if the units for weights differ very much.
For example: The weights for the sales unit are indicated in 'G' (gram) and the weights for the base unit of measure in 'TO' (tons).

Use units of measure for weights that allow for a conversion with less decimal places. In the material master, use the unit 'KG' instead of 'TO' or 'G'.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: saurabhkumarjha
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2017 4:12 PM
Subject: MIGO Canacellation

Dear Experts,

While doing MIGO cancellation throwing below error, please suggest.

"The number cannot be split into a 5-digit numerator and denominator:Message no. BM037"

Goods receipt done with movement type 101 by taking base unit of measure as "KG".

While issuing the goods by taking reference as Reservation, User mistakenly maintain base unit of measure as "MG". Goods issue done, now if I want to cancel goods issue material document system throwing error, same it is happening for creating TR(LT04).

For Ex PO Quantity 1000 KG
GRN Quantity 1000 KG
Goods issue 1000 MG

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