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Re: [sap-other] Unable To Login With SAP* And DDIC After Installation

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Reply from mutaher9960 on Jun 23 at 11:39 AM
and send me the command once for deleting USR02...i will confirm once

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Unknown User
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: [TIBCO-L] Tibco performance & general help


1) The record size of each file varies. They are anywhere from 71 bytes to
2K (max). So we are not talking about large files (in terms if size).

2) We are NOT running an RVD on the AS/400. We ARE remotely connecting to
the RVD on the solaris machine. When we first starting using Tibco this
was a recommendation from their Support team. They claimed it would help
performance by not running an RVD on the AS/400.

3) We are running more than one publishing program. We have, at most, 2
running at the same time connecting to the same daemon at the same port.

Hopefully this answers your questions. We are still in the dark as to why
we are getting the FAST PRODUCER advisories. Also, the advisories come
shortly after the publishing program starts sending messages. I would say,
on average, that after the first 200-300 messages are published the
advisories start showing up. This doesn't seem like a lot of strain on the
network or the RVD.



<crouvrais@OC cc:

TO.FR> Subject: Re: [TIBCO-L] Tibco performance & general help

Sent by:





08:57 AM


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* Each file contains 0 to 50 000 records, a record being how many kB? (B =3D
byte =3D 8 bits, i'm not a networking fellow)

* Your publishing program seams to be on the AS/400 therefore i would
conclude that you have an RvD process on this machine and your publishing
program connects to this RvD. If so why are you talking about the RvD on
solaris machine? Are you connecting remotly to the RvD on the solaris
machine from the AS/400? If so why are you doing this? Or do you have an
mount between the two machines and the publishing program is on the Sun

* Is there one publishing program or are there multiple publishing
are they all connecting to the same port? If you're using different tcp
ports are they all linked to the same RvD?

* From where i stand your analysis seams to be incorrect or you're
sufficient information to us, no point in getting angry i'm not being
sarcastic: i'm ribbing you because you're jumping the gun, barking up the
wrong tree and not answering my questions.

* If you come by and visit me i'll show an example where you get the
FASTPRODUCER with only 12% of CPU utilisation.

* I doubt the performance issues because i've succesfuly created a small
that generates 8 MB/s of data on the network, you don't seam to be hitting
such rates. The messages being 1kB to 2kB in size in my case.

a++ cedric

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