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RE:[sap-acct] Inventory valuation and consumption report

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Reply from rameshks on Apr 20 at 11:05 PM
Hi guys,

I would like to generate the Inventory report for audit purpose which consist of:

01. Cost of goods sold (during the year) reconciliation: Between derived COGS (opening inventory, add purchases during the year, less closing inventory) and COGS as per GL

02. Item wise listing of Inventory (all types) showing quantity and value

03. Inventory valuation (all types) including loading of freight/ other direct cost and overhead computation and allocation thereof. Detail working of inventory valuation

04. Listing of obsolete/ non-moving/slow moving/ non-moving zero valued inventory with ageing thereof as on 31 March 2016

05. Listing of direct adjustment in COGS Account / adjustments made in inventory account during the year

06. Reconciliation between Opening Inventory, Purchases, COGS and Closing inventory ((both quantity and value) giving item wise details as required by Schedule III

Please let me know, how to go about it.

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