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RE:[sap-security] Missing Objects and Errors After Creating Roles for Co and FI Modules

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Reply from Stephan on Mar 4 at 3:47 AM
A trace (Transaction STAUTHTRACE, older transaction ST01) is always helpful to solve such problems. But you need experience to read the trace files correctly, because not everything found in a trace must be transferred into a role (e.g. P_ABAP or P_PERNR are often found in a trace)
Also to trace a lot of transactions it cost a lot of time.
First you have to clarified with the customer which transactions the user in his function really needs (Transaction matrix).
Hope this helps,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Kesho_Saimara
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:09 PM
Subject: Missing Objects and Errors After Creating Roles for Co and FI Modules

I am fairly new to SAP Security. I have created roles for Co and FI modules and I got a lot of errors and missing objects. The roles are not running smoothly. I'm using SU53 to identify missing objects and values, and restore them. What causes that to happen? And is there any other way of avoiding that to happen?

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