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RE:[sap-basis] Filter Criteria, Sorting, Totals and Subtotals Are Not Taken Into Account

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Reply from Snowy on Jan 27 at 2:22 PM
Try this link for useful info:
https://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0& ;q=SAP+%22Filter+criteria%2C+sorting%2C+totals+and +subtotals+are+not+taken+into+account%22&gws_r d=ssl

---------------Original Message---------------
From: supriyamhatre
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:37 PM
Subject: Filter Criteria, Sorting, Totals and Subtotals Are Not Taken Into Account


When user is trying to export report in Excel in prod system she is getting message as "Filter criteria, sorting, totals and subtotals are not taken into account" (tcode faglb03 )

It works in quality system.

She doesn't want to save using system -> list -> save -> local file.
I tried to change layout, checked if anything is set in filter criteria. But nothing worked.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



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