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Reply from Stara on Sep 29 at 7:00 AM Seems like my previous reply here didn't go through, so here it is again: While waiting for answers here, I have learned how to use OB08. So I don't need to ask for the way to avoid having to use it. Not a lot but still a little progress. So here is the remaining: Now my task is to solve the following: 1. error that begins with ''Enter rate AED / USD rate type'' on customer window (FB75) when i was defining which bank account is source of money I typed EUR but on the next step (FB65) of the same money transfer when i was defining TO which account this same money will arrive, i typed AED. Why am I receiving error message that has USD then? I didn't define USD anywhere. 2. I wish I remembered the currency on Simulate window, a seconds before I clicked floppy icon to transmit the request to the bank. Unfortunately I don't remember if on Simulate window was wanted currency or USD. That information would be golden to know. However what I know because I just checked is the following: Used command FBL5N to see if money already left sender account. Red circles are there so it hasn't departed it yet (this is actually offtopic to my question) BUT what worries me even more is the following: all currencies are in USD. I never defined sending currency as USD, at least not yet. Then I checked FBL1N (receiving sides - getting answer on question if money already arrived) and there is NO problem with currencies at all. They are exactly as I wanted them to be and exactly as I defined them to be received. So problem described near ''1.'' and problem with sending currency (wrong one used) still remains. How could I solve 1. and 2.? Nikki Klein: Yes I am obviously using customer and vendor for same company code. If I wouldn't define the vendor or alternative receiver for same money transmit then money from source account would have nowhere to go - no defined destination (recipient). I don't know how to check what is company code currency. I would need more detailed step, rather than just command, where to check it. Would appreciate it. Being aware what are you asking but just don't know how to check this. I am very new with ecc 6.0 (and/or BusinessOne). Don't understand your second question, therefore also cannot know where to check. Ron Roberts: I checked your suggestion and there is good and bad news. Good news is that USD is really ticked as Primary. But the bad news is that some other currencies are ticked as Primary too. However neither of them (only USD) occurred in error (see post title) but I have never defined USD anywhere - neither to be departed from USD source account nor to arrive to recipient USD account . The accounts on both sides are NOT usd ones, neither of them, so i don't know why error contained USD. I repeat I haven't defined USD. Also ticked Primary currencies aren't nowhere shown in FBL5N where I try to check if money departed source account so I really don't think ticked or not as Primary would be the reason for that error. Sridhar: I always entered Document Date for sure.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Stara Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 1:01 PM Subject: Error: Enter Rate AED / USD Rate Type M for DD.MM.YYYY in the System Settings Hi, I get error in a title of post when I define the Vendor for money transfer. Defining Customer worked fine. However I have two questions: 1. I defined in Customer (FB75) currency EUR and want to define in Vendor (FB65) currency AED. Why I am getting in error USD then? In error should be AED / EUR but why AED / USD ? 2. The error may be solved in OB08 but I am having extreme troubles using this command. The biggest nightmare is that searching entries via button Position doesn't even work because when I ''From currency'' and ''To-currency'' value I get placed on completely different entry that has nothing to do with what I just typed as Position. Another problem is that I don't know what happens, if anything, when exchange rate changes. Third problem is that I have no idea what to type in ''ExRt'' column. Therefore I would like to simplify it: Is there any alternative solution, easier to be used, to OB08? Also SPRO > SAP NetWeaver > General Settings > Currencies > Define Standard Quotation for Exchange Rates) doesn't help. So I am asking for alternative to OB08 that I could also solve error (see title topic) in different way. Thanks! | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |