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Reply from Ron Roberts on Sep 28 at 3:29 PM Your first issue may be caused by having USD as your group currency, but it could also be caused by an optional setting in SAP that says to convert from one currency to another via each currency's relationship to a third currency (such as USD). This third currency is called the "primary" currency. Check SAP transaction OY03 to see if USD has this designation.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Stara Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 1:01 PM Subject: Error: Enter Rate AED / USD Rate Type M for DD.MM.YYYY in the System Settings Hi, I get error in a title of post when I define the Vendor for money transfer. Defining Customer worked fine. However I have two questions: 1. I defined in Customer (FB75) currency EUR and want to define in Vendor (FB65) currency AED. Why I am getting in error USD then? In error should be AED / EUR but why AED / USD ? 2. The error may be solved in OB08 but I am having extreme troubles using this command. The biggest nightmare is that searching entries via button Position doesn't even work because when I ''From currency'' and ''To-currency'' value I get placed on completely different entry that has nothing to do with what I just typed as Position. Another problem is that I don't know what happens, if anything, when exchange rate changes. Third problem is that I have no idea what to type in ''ExRt'' column. Therefore I would like to simplify it: Is there any alternative solution, easier to be used, to OB08? Also SPRO > SAP NetWeaver > General Settings > Currencies > Define Standard Quotation for Exchange Rates) doesn't help. So I am asking for alternative to OB08 that I could also solve error (see title topic) in different way. Thanks! | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |