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Re: [sap-log-mm] Define Email to Buyer When There is a Price Variance

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Reply from ornaco on Jul 20 at 10:57 AM
Hi, the customer\ buyer has a record right? in that record I assume you
hold the E-mail address, and his number is linked to the po and so is
the invoice right? So instead of going to info rec, look for your
customer in the specific po, there I assume you have the partner record
linked in partners Tab as the buyer, here you are able to get all the information you need, or is it not the case with your system?

Anyway hope it will give some Idea if not full solution.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: deeeez26
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 9:55 AM
Subject: Define Email to Buyer When There is a Price Variance

Hi Ornaco,

Ive never used partner records before, pls give me a bit more info, thanks.

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