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Reply from robphelan on Jun 5 at 3:00 PM I think you chose the wrong option after you hit CREATE. You will have received a popup with a bunch of radiobuttons asking what type of Start Object You probably should have chosen: Program and Selection Screen(report transaction) but you might have chosen Program and Screen transaction(dialog transation).
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Ravi_Aditiya Sent: Friday, June 05, 2015 3:03 PM Subject: Screen Number For Making T Code of Such Report Having No Screen Hi Friends I am Practicing Row Level Lock Tutorial in ge1.htm For Creation of T Code of Below Program in SE93 , I need to Provide Screen Number ( MANDATORY FIELD ) But it has no screen, so what will I enter? Please guide. ---* *& Report ZREP_SHUKS3 *& *&--- *& Author : Swetabh Shukla *& Date : 05/22/2009 *& Description : To delete table level lock from table. *&---* REPORT zrep_shuks3. **Selection range for view maintenance DATA: BEGIN OF selekttab OCCURS 1. "Selektionsbereich INCLUDE STRUCTURE vimsellist. DATA: END OF selekttab, **Table of inactive CUA functions for view maintenance BEGIN OF excl_cua_funct OCCURS 1. "inaktive CUA-Fkt bei View-Pflege INCLUDE STRUCTURE vimexclfun. DATA: END OF excl_cua_funct. DATA: lt_enq_del TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF seqg3, lt_enq_read TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF seqg7, lw_enq_read TYPE seqg7, lw_enq_del TYPE seqg3, lv_subrc TYPE sy-subrc. *Read all the lock details in system CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUE_READ2' EXPORTING gclient = sy-mandt gname = ' ' guname = '*' TABLES enq = lt_enq_read. *We will search entry for table level lock for our table LOOP AT lt_enq_read INTO lw_enq_read WHERE gname EQ 'RSTABLE' AND garg CS 'ZTEST_SHUKS3'. MOVE-CORRESPONDING lw_enq_read TO lw_enq_del. APPEND lw_enq_del TO lt_enq_del. ENDLOOP. *Delete table level lock entry for our table CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUE_DELETE' EXPORTING check_upd_requests = 1 IMPORTING subrc = lv_subrc TABLES enq = lt_enq_del. *Now call the table maintenace generator. CALL FUNCTION 'VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL' EXPORTING action = 'U' view_name = 'ZTEST_SHUKS3' show_selection_popup = 'X' TABLES dba_sellist = selekttab excl_cua_funct = excl_cua_funct. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |