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[sap-dev] How to Show Sales Order Number Opposite of Production Order for Work in Process?

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Question from bermundor on Apr 11 at 10:11 AM
Dear Gurus,

Our company is in the business of manufacturing garments from yarn to knitting to bleaching to cutting and to finished goods, but sometimes we buy grey fabric from third party. When we received sales order we created sales order in SAP then plan and convert to production order. Subsequently the production order issued to to work centers or workshops everyday. The production orders not completed at the end of the month are considered WIP (work in process). When the confirmation of production order from one workshop to another workshop the operator/User could not find the Sales Order number opposite of the production number when you run COOIS. It is more convenient to have sales order reference when transferring main materials (finished goods ordered) from the raw material warehouse to work centers like knitting, weaving, bleaching,and cutting until finished. The BOM structures are 1. Finished goods (packing & accessories), 2. Cutted pieces (bleached fabric), 3. Bleaching (knitted or woven fabric), 4. Grey fabric (yarn).

Is there a way to edit production orders confirmation in goods movement screen to include sales order? Is there any tcode to link the two columns? Needs help.

Best regards,
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